Table of content
- IT#0 Prequel: What is "science"?
- IT#1 What "Computer Science" is for?
- IT#2 Knowledge economy
- IT#3 Discovery economy
- IT#4 Brain, glia cells and the difference between an industrial and knowledge worker
- IT#5 Corporate parasites
- IT#6 What teams are for in the Knowledge Economy?
- IT#7 Technical Debt and Excessive Cognitive Load
- IT#8 Will GPT AI make humans obsolete?
- IT#9 Tom Sawyer Inc. and Why Hierarchical Management Does Not Work in the Knowledge Economy
- IT#10 Office Evolution and Unnatural Selection, here is the video.
- IT#11 Winnie-the-Pooh climbs a corporate ladder
- IT#12 The Evil of Management by Fear: Prey or Predator?
- IT#13 The brief history of corporations, shares and layoffs
- IT#14 Economy of Complexity
- IT#15 Why Servitude Society Conflicts with The Knowledge Economy and What to Do About That
- ...
- IT#17 Social ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and what it means for your UI
- IT#18 Whom to blame for high software engineering salaries?
- IT#19 The Most Expensive Storage in IT (and how to use it)
- IT#20 The Company Loyalty and The Corporate Anti-natural Selection
- IT#21 New Hire Dilemma - The Better the Company the Worse is Your First Team
- IT#22 How much do mass layoffs cost? - Dated 2009
- IT#23 As shareholder I'm concerned
- ... to be continued
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