IT#22 How much do mass layoffs cost? - Dated 2009

Recently I recalled that I already wrote an article “How much do mass layoffs cost?” in 2009, specifically 06/25/2009. Which shows that Google 2023 is essentially Microsoft 2009. Here is that article: 

As you know, Microsoft recently conducted two rounds of mass layoffs due to difficult economic times. The motivation was to save money and “the right allocation of resources” and, well, "this is the right thing in the current circumstances!" I'm not going to discuss this case, it's not my job. After all, "The boss said - a ferret! And no gophers!" No, really, if I were elevated at Microsoft into execs, then I would discuss that decision, but since this is not the case, it’s none of my business! 

Yesterday Toastmasters magazine came in the mail. If you've read my blog, you should know that I'm part of this interesting community. And inside I found an article, "Taking Through Tough Times at Work." An article is about an interesting phenomenon called "layoff survivor syndrome". 

It’s simple. Suppose there have been massive layoffs in your company. Thanks God, you were not hurt. You feel sorry for your affected friends, the days are dark, but at least you have money for your monthly mortgage payments. But it turns out - what a tricky science that psychology! - that life is not so rosy even if you are not affected directly. I’ll quote a bit from that article: 

"Stress affects a worker’s concentration and productivity, and this can be seen in the quality of his work. ... Other employees who have retained their jobs experience the same symptoms. ... the longer these emotions are ignored, the more they are injected into the firm's performance and the health of employees... corporate psychologists argue that if these emotions are ignored, they can have very serious consequences... experiencing productivity falling into the abyss, errors caused by lack of concentration, and increasingly apathetic and fearing the risk workers." 

Is it necessary to remind that "fearing-risk employees" is the "kiss of death" that affected recently General Motors? When everyone is afraid to argue with their manager, one high enough in the command chain idiot or saboteur is enough to send everything into the dust... Well, those who lived in the USSR remember... 

Well, just some thoughts on the subject. 



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