IT#23 As shareholder I'm concerned
IT#23 As shareholder I'm concerned #sharesvalue #effectivemanagement #IT #ITManagement A slight digression from the topic On Monday I had to visit a doctor. Here is what Google Maps suggested me: Now, please, look at the left part of the picture. And notice, that's just ⅓ of proposed routes. Now, the question: How a human being is supposed to make a choice??? No, it cannot. We, humans, are not equipped with an equivalent of a SQL engine in our brains. We are not good when facing a lot of choices . You may say, don't criticise, offer a constructive alternative. Here it is. The whole thing should have being structured as: Get to HB (main railway station). From there get to Stadelhofen. Then take 5 stops on Tram #18 to Waldburg. And then it's a two minute walk to your doctor. Then #1 and #2 could have variants, plus for especially masochistic customers, you could give routes that avoid HB, but that's it. Is it so hard to implement? Maybe, but doable. The problem is, ...