IT#15 Why Servitude Society Conflicts with The Knowledge Economy and What to Do About That

#Economy #Socium #SocialSystem #ITManagement This article explains a different classification of human social systems – cooperative, imperative and servitude, and show why the dominating today servitude system conflicts with the Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Age. It also suggests what to do about that. A different classification of social systems In the article devoted to the knowledge economy we used a most popular today classification of social systems “hunter-gatherers”-slavery-feudalism-capitalism-socialism. This classification is based on economic relationships between people. By meaning it comes to Karl Marx, even though he did not really used words “capitalism” or even “socialism”. While that system is certainly important, we will use today a very different classification of social systems based on the reasons why people stay in society. This is cooperative-imperative-servitude classification . Cooperative society is when cooperation is the reason why people stay inside. A sma...