IT #2 Knowledge Economy

#KnowledgeEconomy #KnowledgeAge #KnowledgeWorkers #Economy #SocialSystems #BoringBackground This article explains what knowledge economy is and provides the background info necessary for that explanation. Preface In 1959 “the father of American corporate management” Peter F. Drucker introduced a term “knowledge workers” in his book “The Landmarks of Tomorrow”. Basically, he noticed that since the World War II, we’ve got a lot of workers who could not be managed in the old, Industrial Age, ways. “Scientific Method” of Taylor1 simply did not work anymore with these workers. And the suggestion was to manage them differently. Later a lot of other people contributed to how it could be done, and it’s still very much work in progress. Adding to that statement, it’s fairly clear why it did not work. Tailor’s method was to split a complicated process, like creation of optical lenses or arsenal workers. With knowledge workers splitting work into tiny steps on one project did not work, because on...