IT#8 Will GPT AI make humans obsolete?

#ITManagement #SoftwareEngineering #AI #ML #GPT No. GPT is not a real AI, it's just an old ML on steroids with tons of computational resources spent. GPT model is not an intellect, it's just an ML model to predict what would a human do so that other humans would like it. That's it, not truth, not the right thing, just what other humans would like. Based on tons of available data. GPT AI is just a reflection of humans in a mirror. Remove humans from this picture and this mirror will reflect nothing. How does it work? About 40 years ago, around 1982 I did a simple computer simulation on IBM/OS 370 generating primitive movie scenarios. It had three personages and a set of limted actions they can do. The setup was fixed: Julia near a creek with a pitcher, Pete nearby, a gang of outlaws hides in bushes. BTW, here is how one of the modern AIs (MidJourney) illustrated it: Inside it was just a probability matrix of states with a Markov chain. Markov chain is a very simple mathe...